Thomas Fritsch - ARTRIUM
Thomas Fritsch opened his gallery of French Decorative Arts from 1945 to 1970 on rue de Seine in 2004.
He is acknowledged as the specialist on post-war French ceramics.
The gallery organized solo exhibitions of artists such as Jacques and Dani Ruelland, Pol Chambost (2006), Michel Anasse (2011) and Suzanne Ramié - Atelier Madoura (2012).
For his first participation in Design Miami/ Basel 2013, Thomas Fritsch will present Masterpieces of French Ceramics from 1945 to 1970 - Part 1, his personal selection of fifty ceramic pieces, some of them unique.
This event will be followed by an exhibition on André-Aleth Masson in September 2013 at his gallery in Paris.
Gallery Address
6, rue de Seine
Paris , 75006
Contact Info
Tel: +33(0)603914011