Design Miami/ is pleased to partner with Artsy to create an online platform for our fairs. Artsy's mission is to make the world's art accessible to anyone with an internet connection, and is centered around bringing together world class design, engineering and art expertise. Artsy users can preview the works on display at Design Miami/, learn more about the gallerists and explore the fair's programming - opening up the Design Miami/ experience to over 100,000 visitors around the world.
Powered by The Art Genome Project—an ongoing study of the characteristics that distinguish and connect works of art—Artsy creates new pathways for discovering art through more than 1,200 characteristics called “genes.” The partnership with Design Miami/ marks The Art Genome Project’s extension to collectible design, which now features over 1,000 works and is constantly growing. Intended to support an ongoing dialogue between art and design, this development allows users to uncover works through connections among art-historical movements, subject matter and formal qualities, creating cross-disciplinary opportunities for discovery, learning and collecting.